
Thank you for your interest in CELI! ✨

CELI welcomes contributions of all forms. This section of CELI’s documentation serves as a resource to help you to contribute to the project.

Using Poetry

Dependencies are managed using [Poetry]. After cloning the repo, run poetry from the root directory:

poetry install

This will create a virtual environment in the .venv directory and install all dependencies there.

poetry shell will open a shell in that virtual environment.

Building docs

Change to the docs directory and run make html

Any warnings in the doc build will cause the real doc build to fail.

For more work on docs, run make serve-docs. This starts a live updating server for the docs.

Docstrings can be generated using the useful gpt4docstrings library.

gpt4docstrings -w -st numpy -m gpt-4 --ignore-nested-functions