Getting Started

Running the Wikipedia generation example

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To get an idea of what CELI can do, we have prepackaged an example use case. In this case, we will have CELI write a wiki page on a topic given an example page and a set of references.

Install CELI

First, install celi using PIP with the following command:

pip install celi-framework

You can also clone the GitHub repo and install CELI from source. See Running CELI from Source for info on how to do that.

Set up a mongo DB server to store documents

CELI uses Mongo to cache LLM responses, store documentsm inspect runs. If you already have a Mongo server running, you can point Celi to it and it will create a new database called ‘celi’. If not, you can quickly spin up a local mongo server using this docker command:

docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d mongo

Configure your environment

The main script for CELI loads some configuration from environment variables. The python-dotenv package is used to load these files from a file called .env in the current directory.

Create a .env file with an example configuration, copying the file below and substituting in your OpenAI API key. If you have the repo cloned, you can copy the .env.example file.


Run the example use case

Once you have the steps above done, you can test your setup by running:

python -m celi_framework.main

This example use case uses the wikipedia page for Led Zeppelin as the example document, and then creates a new wiki page for the Jonas Brothers based on the references cited from their wikipedia page. The result will be put in the target/drafts directory.

Note that running this takes around 30 minutes (give or take).