Running CELI

CELI can be run from the command line, with configuration arguments, or directly from code.

Running from the command line

When running CELI from the command line, all arguments can be passed on the command line, provided in environment variables, or provided in a .env file in the current directory, which will get read in as environment variables. The precedence is that command line arguments override environment variables, which override valies provided in a .env file.

When running from the command line, you need to include your JobDescription and ToolImplementations classes in the python path. Two configuration variables control how the job is specified.

  • JOB_DESCRIPTION - This is the name of the class that contains the JobDescription. This class must have a no-arg constructor. For the example use case, we use “celi_framework.examples.wikipedia.job_description.job_description”

  • TOOL_CONFIG_JSON - This is the path to a JSON file. This JSON file will be used to construct the ToolImplementations class. The JSON file will be read in and converted to a dictionary. This dictionary will then be passed as keyword arguments to the ToolImplementations class.

For the example use case, the WikipediaToolImplementations is a dataclass that takes 3 arguments (2 are required):

class WikipediaToolImplementations(ToolImplementations):
    example_url: str
    target_url: str
    ignore_updates: bool = False

The example JSON config file we use is:

    "example_url": "",
    "target_url": "",
    "ignore_updates": true

When CELI is started from the command line, to reads the JSON config file and calls WikipediaToolImplmentations with the 3 arguments.

Calling CELI from Python

CELI can also be embedded in an existing Python program in addition to the command-line. Any example of running from code can be seen in the celi-framework/examples/wikipedia/eval/ script. This script iterates through several test sets containing source and target wikipedia URLs. For each, it runs CELI to generate a document, and then uses BertScore to compare the generated document to the actual target wikipedia page. It prints out a matrix of overall results when it completes.

To run from code, you call run_celi passing in CELIConfig object:

    from celi_framework.core.runner import CELIConfig, run_celi

The CELIConfig object contains the instance of JobDescripion and ToolImplementations needed to run CELI as well as some other configuration parameters required.

Running CELI from Source

If you are interested in modifying or contributiling to CELI, you can install and run it from source. CELI uses Poetry to manage dependencies and publishing. That being said, there are two recommended methods:


  1. Install Anaconda

Download and install Anaconda from the official Anaconda distribution page. Follow the installation instructions suitable for your operating system.

  1. Create an Anaconda Environment

Open your terminal or Anaconda Prompt and create a new Conda environment using Python 3.11:

conda create -n celi_env python=3.11
conda activate celi_env

This sets up a clean environment specifically for running CELI, avoiding conflicts with other projects or system-wide Python packages.

  1. Clone the Repository

Clone the CELI repository from GitHub to your local machine:

git clone
  1. Change to the Directory with the Repository

Navigate to the directory where the repository has been cloned:

cd celi
  1. Install the Project Using pip

While inside the project directory and with your Conda environment activated, install the project and its dependencies in editable mode:

pip install -e .

This command will install all necessary dependencies as specified in the project’s or pyproject.toml and will allow you to modify the project and have the changes reflected immediately.


  1. Install Poetry

    Download and install Poetry using the official installer. Follow the instructions on the page to download and install Poetry for your operating system.

  2. Clone the Repository

    Clone the CELI repository from GitHub to your local machine:

    git clone
  3. Change to the Directory with the Repository

    Navigate to the directory where the repository has been cloned:

    cd celi
  4. Install the Project Using Poetry

    While inside the project directory, install the project and its dependencies using Poetry:

    poetry install

    This command will create a virtual environment and set up all the dependencies for you, allowing you to work on the project in an isolated environment.

  5. Activate the Poetry Environment

    You can activate the virtual environment created by Poetry to start working on the project:

    poetry shell

    From here, you can use the command line to run scripts or commands, or configure your IDE to use the virtual environment for development.